Social and Cultural Characteristics
Humans are creatures who constantly havedesires, immediately if certain requirements
met the other needs will arise. the process
do not stop, he sustained from birth to death.
Humans continuously make efforts to
satisfy its needs. This is what
cause man in her life must
Humans are social creatures who can not live
itself, but always in need of others, both at home
or in the workplace, people are required to socialize,
relate to others, and to serve one another and
served others. Similarly, the relationship between the buyer
the seller is the same as the relationship between fellow
humans in everyday life.
Cultural and social characteristics in life
society, each of which has the characteristics of each.
Culture is a set of beliefs and attitudes
ways of doing things that is valid in a group
people are quite homogeneous. Because of the cultural determinants
desires and behavior of the most fundamental.
Desires and behavior obtained through
experience learned from the community in which he
bred. Indonesian people would prefer rice to
fulfill his desire to release the hunger, the
Americans will choose a hamburger to release flavor
hungry. But the Mentawai (one of the islands in
West Sumatra), Sago want to release the flavor
hungry. Thus we see the diversity of cultures,
meaning in a culture are sub-cultures.
Culture is a whole system of ideas and taste,
actions as well as human-generated works in
social life, made her the way
learning. Characteristic of culture which are usually owned by
a group of people, tribes and so that occupy
a geographical area hereditary, usually seen in,
how to eat, dress, home, language, physical shape, color
skin and so forth.
Culture influences the way people communicate,
act / behave and take action. language
as a tool for communication is English,
how the local language. Religion and belief
the other, is the basis of how we behave, what
made of how to dress both socially and
at workplace. Workplace attitude, attitude towards superiors
adjusted based on the adopted culture.
Social class is a group that is relatively
homogeneous and survive in a society that
are arranged in a sequence and the members
in each level that maintains the same behavior
with the following characteristics:
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Social and Cultural Characteristics |
a) Persons who are in any social class tend
behave the same
b) A person is said to have low employment,up according to social class
c) a person's social class is declared with some
among other variables: position, income, wealth,
education, and orientation towards value
d) A person is able to move from one social class
one to the other.
e) Social class shows a difference of products andbrand in a particular field such as: clothing,
home furnishings, leisure activities and
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