developments Mode
Along with the advancement of science and technology,fashion is also growing rapidly, although sometimes
The mode when not in accordance with the procedures dress
good, but still rolling mode from time to time.
The development of very large influence on fashion
one's personality, so that every mode that appears always
there are pros and there are cons, especially Indonesia,
consisting of various tribes that each
has a diverse fashion.
For people who are too rigid and fanatical with governance
how to dress codes would be difficult to keep abreast of
mode. It is still reasonable diannggab, as unwitting fashion
is generally influenced by the fashion that comes from
foreign countries, which may be a big influence on the
one's personality, but all of this is subject to the
each of us personally in choosing the mode that is being
A. Doing Communication in the workplace
1. Definition of CommunicationCommunication is the process of delivering a message of
communicator to the communicant with through a medium or
symbol or explanation through the channel mechanism aims to
gain mutual understanding between the two sides.
Communication by "Benny Kaluku, is the process of delivering
understanding and contains all the elements of the procedures that can
bring a thought with another thought. communication
according to Indonesian Dictionary is' delivery and
receipt of messages or news between two or more people with
the right way so that the message is understood.
Communication by Keith Davis, is the flow of information and
understanding of someone else keorang. Communication by dr.Phil.
Astrid Susanto is transferring symbols
implies. Understanding Communication presented by
Communicative Skil (Air University, USA) is as a process
which has three components, namely: 1). Communication, which is a
the move meaning. 2). Symbol to move the meaning.
3). Receiver, which is a recipient of a symbol and
translate meaning.
Formulation of communication according to some experts in the above can be
concluded, namely: a). That the communication occurs delivery
understanding from one person to another. b). that
delivery of messages is a process to achieve a
the purpose. c). In delivering a message using the symbol.
d). In communicating happen relationships or contacts.
Thus communication is "a process that
includes delivery and careful interlacement of ideas
with intent to cause actions to be
achieve effective "or exchange of information between
a person with another person, for the purpose of obtaining
mutual understanding.
2. Fundamentals of Communication
We communicate mainly to express and support
identity, to establish social contact with people around
us, and to influence others, to feel, think, or
behave the way we want. But our basic goal
communication is to control the physical environment and
fisikologis us. Communication involves two or more people, be
polite and friendly with each other using the language
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developments Mode |
understood by the communicator and the communicant with the physical condition
healthy will support the success in communicating.
Success or failure of a service depends on the precise
whether the communication between the customer with the customer officer.
It should be noted also that seem friendly and polite, need
note the following: a). With whom we communicate,
whether the customer, boss, older people or opponent
types; b). Volume in communicating to note
so it is not too hard or too soft; c). Posture on
time to talk to someone or against the crowd
preferably with a look at the other person's chin and only once in a while
look at her eyes with a friendly smile; d). Facial expressions need
note, do not be too serious / tense and do not get too relaxed;
e). Focusing / thoughts on the subject;
f). Avoiding merishkan movements, for example
holding her hair, shaking legs, folding
both hands forward, inserting his hands into his pockets,
chewing on something, or other less polite attitude;
g). At the time of speaking in front of crowds, try attitude
the body is not too relaxed or tense and do not be nervous or
3. Communication in the workplace
Communication with customers and co-workers performed
in a way that is friendly, professional and open. language
used is a language understood by the environment in which
to work. Active listening and asking questions to be used for
ensure effective two-way communication. communicate
effectively with guests and colleagues is a skill that
should have because it is able to deal with complaints / conflicts.
Communication in the business world can be done anywhere, either
the company and outside the company (in the workplace).
Wherever we work / workplace communication needs to be fostered
well among, for example; between superiors and
subordinate or between producers and consumers. communication in
business environment that the communication process is done
between buyers and sellers or between producers (entrepreneurs) and
consumers (the public).
For the producers, the communication process should have been done
at the time of production planning, which was preceded by market research
to understand consumers' needs and then do
production, to determine the response of consumers to
products company that has been worn. Where have created
products targeted, timely and in accordance with
consumer needs, then the communication has been considered
nailed it.
This communication is intended to be able to channel the desire
in accordance with the wishes of the consumer products
produced by the company. If the employee believes to be the product
produced by the company and get to know the complete
these products, so that employees easier mengkomunkasikan
The resulting product to others outside the company.
In addition to fully recognize the products
company for a salesperson, salespeople, brokers
purchase, power pendemonstrasi, FEA, need
grown attitudes as follows.
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