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Wild Ginger

Wild Ginger

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ginger beer,ginger tea,ginger house,gingerbread,ginger snaps,ginger benefits

  Wild Ginger is one Saatu Indonesian herbal ingredients are quite popular, but so efficacy have not much is known of people. Much research has been conducted on ginger, both outside and within the country, and the results are amazing. The content that is already known is essential oils, which can be produced from the dried rhizome of approximately 3.8% oil containing ar-kurkumen, xanthorrizol, beta-curcumene as the main compound.
The results of a study showed that the anti-tumor xanthorrhizol efficacious. The yellow color of ginger caused by a compound called curcumin content. Scientific research proves that curcumin efficacious as an antioxidant, and this means being able to prevent damage to the cells that trigger a frightening disease, namely tumor and cancer.
Animal studies to prove the efficacy of anticancer ginger has been done and show encouraging results. Another study also interesting to note is the work of ginger as an analgesic (painkiller), diuretics (facilitator for urine), inflammation, decrease triglyceride levels due to modification metabolismu fat and lowering of blood sugar levels.
One of the research results prove the efficacy of ginger as a hepatoprotective, the protective function of the liver. In addition to liver disorders in the form of jaundice, these materials also help overcome or prevent the formation of gallstones.
Various books mention the use of ginger for the flow of bile. For people who do not have health problems, can drink ginger stew made simple, namely by boiling 5-6 slices of fresh or dried rhizome with 3 cups water to 1 cup once a day.

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