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Global Sewing Machine GSM-505

Global Sewing Machine GSM-505

global gsm 505 review
Global Sewing Machine GSM-505

global gsm 505 review - Do note that I received no monetary compensation for this review of mine, in fact, I bought this sewing machine with my own money after checking through other peoples' reviews and feedback online. Take note that all opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine.

Please also remember that I am NOT representative of Lazada Malaysia or Global brand, so if you have any issues or questions with your sewing machine, please contact the respective companies directly instead of asking me to help you fix your issues.

Introducing my new baby!

The Global Sewing Machine GSM-505! Waited for over a month for the price to drop before I bought it from Lazada hahahah... The sewing machine was delivered the following day which is pretty cool! I'm still hiding this from my MIL as she already nagged that I'm wasting my money going for sewing classes when I can ask her to teach me instead (I did but it was really tough and difficult to understand when she is using her traditional Singer sewing machine so I'd rather spend a bit for something that is user-friendly, portable and easy to use)

Let's go through the specifications of my new baby now:

It came nicely wrapped in a box. The first thing you see when you opened up the box is the user manual and the warranty leaflet (you can fill up and post it back but I choose to do online warranty registration which is way easier for lazy people like me hahahha... also want to save on stamps)

Global Sewing Machine GSM-505
Global Sewing Machine GSM-505
What you see when you took out one side of the styrofoam covering the sewing machine is this. It lays on its side, you can see the power adapter, foot pedal and a small pouch of thread spools, bobbins, needle threader and needle (size #14).

The sewing machine came all ready to be use! The thread are nicely in place, there's a small patch of cloth which has been tested on prior to delivery to customer (you can see the different stitches on the cloth). All you need to do is plug in the power adapter and the foot pedal (if you want) and sew straight away!

Global Sewing Machine GSM-505
Global Sewing Machine GSM-505
There are 8 types of different styles of stitching you can choose - so far, I go for number 3 and 6. These 2 stitches are close and looks tight and secure to me hahahaha... One feature that I like about this sewing machine is the reverse sewing tab. You just need to press the tab down to trigger the reverse sewing or just release the tab and leave it as it is for forward sewing pattern. Under this tab, you can see a lever indicating [L   OFF   H] which is actually the sewing speed (without using foot pedal) By default it is set to OFF and you use the foot pedal to sew. If you push the lever to left for LOW speed or to right for HIGH speed, then you can sew on without stepping on your foot pedal.

Global Sewing Machine GSM-505
Global Sewing Machine GSM-505
There is also numbering instructions guiding you how to thread the sewing machine. I'm still lost from step 1 until step 3 but I think with practise, I can handle it easily. You can also adjust the upper thread tension level by pushing the button located next to the take up lever. Another cool feature I like on the sewing machine is the built-in LED light button located at the side. You can sew at night with a light press on the button! Hehehehehe!

Right near the LED button, there is a small gap for thread cutting which I don't use as I find it a bit wasting my thread to pull out that long in order to reach the cutter. What I do is just pull the thread to about an inch long then I use my scissors to cut off the thread. If you use the cutter, you will need to pull the thread to about 2-3 inches long in order to reach the cutter.

Next, this is how it looks like from behind. Not in picture is the bobbin winder pin and bobbin winder stop which you can use to wind the bobbin. At the bottom right side, you can see the DC 6V power adapter outlet and the foot pedal outlet. I make it a habit to unplug the power adapter when I am not sewing or need to pause to do other tasks. Very paranoid of kiddos being curious and touching my sewing machine when I am not using it.

Global Sewing Machine GSM-505
Global Sewing Machine GSM-505
There is also a hidden drawer at the right side of the sewing machine, a bit small but sufficient enough to put in small items like needles, bobbins and needle threader. There is a handle on top of the sewing machine which you can use to carry it around, very portable and easy! The sewing machine is about 4.5kg, not that heavy for me.

So far, I've been using the sewing machine to repair the torn clothings (hubby's short pants and jeans), my casual grocery bag and Carolyn's rompers. Also did some personal mini project for kiddos - hooded bath towels for them and the remnants of the towels I sewn into hand towel which I hung around the door knobs in our bathroom. Will share pictures and posts later. Btw, this sewing machine is RM159 (about USD44) after sales promo and discount voucher from Lazada.

To end my post, I am very happy with my purchase and hope to do more sewing stuff when time permits!

I'm a full-time mummy

Do note that I received no monetary compensation for this review of mine, in fact, I bought this sewing machine with my own money after checking through reviews and feedback online. Take note that all opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine. Please also remember that I am not representative of Lazada Malaysia or Global brand, so if you have any issues with your sewing machine, please contact the respective companies directly instead of asking me to help you fix your issues.

Review Mesin Jahit Mini Global GSM 505

 Macam biasa cerita yang tertangguh lagi..hehe!. Saje nak share review saya mengenai Mesin Jahit Mini Global GSM 505 ini. Dah lama saya beli ni masa bulan November 2015 tahun lepas lagi.

Tujuan saya beli mesin jahit ni sebab sengaja nak letak dirumah mak saya sebagai spare. So bila cuti2 panjang kalau saya balik  kerumah mak, boring tak tau nak buat apa saya boleh menjahit juga kan :)

Saya memang nak cari mesin jahit yang bajet sahaja dan boleh digunakan untuk jahit yg simple. Kalau yg dah berjenama macam Singer Brother pun paling murah rm400 keatas juga...

Survey punya survey saya beli mesin jahit Global Mini GSM 505. Kecil je nampak dalam pic macam besar kan. Saya survey harga online pun paling murah pun rm200-230 last dekat Lazada juga paling murah ;)

Ni pic yang saya survey di Tesco Kajang. Memang retail price lebih kurang rm300 gini.

Ni harga di Lazada masa sy beli dulu memang tengah promosi. Termasuk shipping cuma rm163..

Haha ni pic compare dengan azra..memang comel je. Macam mesin jahit mainan plak...kih kih...

Walaupun kecil tapi hasil jahitannya not bad..memang memuaskan. Ni pantyliner2 yg saya jahit waktu bercuti dulu menggunakan mesin jahit. Tapi setakat ketebalan pantyliner ni je dia mampu jahit...lebih kurang 5 lapisan flannel tebalnya...kalau tebal lagi mmg takleh dah kot mcm cloth pad period ke..

Tapi kalau setakat nak buat sarung bantal ke..jahit seluar koyak ke even buat baju kurung biasa pon boleh sangat guna Mesin Jahit Global mini ni..

Mesin ni ada warranty setahun dari  kilang. So sbb dia comel je kan kita pun jangan lah pakai ganas2 segala bapak kain tebal pun tibai je..klu gitu saya rasa mmg takkan bertahan lama. Klu kita guna dengan kadar bersesuaian insyallah boleh bertahan lama kot mesin ni.. ;)

Dengan adanya informasi yang kami sajikan tentang  global gsm 505 review

, harapan kami semoga anda dapat terbantu dan menjadi sebuah rujukan anda. Atau juga anda bisa melihat referensi lain kami juga yang lain dimana tidak kalah bagusnya tentang ROK LIPIT ATAS PINGGUL (Rok seragam sekolah SMU) 

. Sekian dan kami ucapkan terima kasih atas kunjungannya.

buka mesin jahit : http://xclusivelyxpressing.blogspot.co.id/2016/03/review-mesin-jahit-mini-global-gsm-505.html

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