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clothing wrap

clothing wrap

Shape wrap clothing is clothing
rectangular shape that is used by way of wound
or wrapped into the body from the chest, or on the waist
until the desired length as pelvic apron.
This wrap is not sewn clothes, although at the time of clothes
This wrap existing appear sewing needle. The use of clothes
This wrap wrapped around the body in a manner such that there is at
India called sari, toga and palla in Rome, chiton and
peplos in ancient Greece, a long cloth and scarves in
Figure 4. The shape of clothes wrap
In its development, different wrapper clothing
in its usage for each region, so that it appears
wrap clothing whose names vary among others:

a. Himation, which form the usual fashion pack in use

by the philosopher or the leading experts in Ancient Greece. himation
This length of 12 or 15 feet made of wool or
white linen whole field in embroidery. This dress can be
worn over the chiton or coat. Fashion shape
This is almost like himation pallium commonly used
above toga by men in Rome in the second century.

b. Chlamys, ie clothing that resembles a himation, which

shaped loose. Usually worn by men of Ancient Greece.
Figure .6 Chlamy

c. Coat / shawl, namely fashion quadrilateral
long in use on one shoulder draped
or both shoulders. In the chest was given a pin so that it appears
folds and at both ends given tassels.
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clothing wrap

Figure .7 coat / shawl

d. Toga, a form that is used as the official clothing
honors dizaman republic and empire in Rome. Are There
some of them are kind of toga, toga toga palla namely that
toga worn while mourning and trabea that resemble
baby cape.

e. Palla, namely women's fashion era, republican Rome and
kingdom, worn over the tunica or stole. use almost
together with the shawl pinned with safety pins. color palla
generally blue, green and golden color.

f. Paludamentum, sagum and abolla, a type of clothing suits
prehistoric era, the military.
Fig. 10 Paludamentum, sagum and abolla

g. Chiton, the Ancient Greek menswear similar to
tunic in Asia. Chiton material usually made of wool, linen
and hemp are embroidered with colored thread and
as a golden thread woven Persian influence.
Fig. 11 Chiton

h. Peplos and haenos, namely women's fashion of ancient Greek
essentially the same form with the chiton, made no long
and there are short. On the shoulder there are folds that
hold with a safety pin at the waist and sometimes also made
folds so it looks like a blouse. Peplos of Athena
wear a belt tied at the top folds at the waist.

i. Cape or cope, namely the outer clothing in menswear in
Byzantine shaped mantle fastened at the shoulder or
neck and ornate brooches.

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