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HOW TO: Sew ribbons on your shoes.

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Sew ribbons on your shoes.


Sew ribbons on your shoes.

There is no ‘one way’ to secure your ribbons.
This guide details my particular way of ensuring a safe, supportive and
aesthetically pleasing fit but, over time, each dancer develops their own
particular shoe rituals. Hopefully this guide can help to you get started on the
road to discovering your own personal preferences.
You will need:
• Approx 2.5m of ribbon 1” wide
• Strong sewing thread (or dental floss!)
• Needle
• Scissors
• Pencil
• Lighter
• Clear nail varnish
• Your shoes
• Any gel pads or lambs wool you intend
to wear in the shoes
Step One:
• Most dance stores sell a range of
ribbons in 2m – 2.5m sections
• If your ribbon is off the roll, cut the
ribbon to a length of approx 2.5m
• With a sharp pair of scissors (to
minimise fraying) cut the ribbon into
two equal sized pieces, one for each
• Put one half of the ribbon aside for now
Step Two:
• Check out your shoes. Most brands of
ballet shoes are manufactured without
a left and right
• As you begin to wear them, they will
mould to your foot and should not be
Step Three:
• It is a good idea to mark a discrete ‘L’
and ‘R’ on the inside soles of new
shoes so you remember which foot
they’re assigned to
• Prepare the right shoe and one half of
the ribbon
Step Four:
• Fold the ribbon for the right shoe in half
equally and hold over the index finger
as shown
• Cut into unequal lengths by snipping
the top layer slightly below the half way
• Separate the two lengths of ribbon and
set aside
Step Five:
• The correct placement for ribbons will
depend on whether you also wish to
use elastic to secure your shoe
• To create an optimum fit, fold the soft
heel of the shoe up against the sole
and gently press flat
• Smooth down along the drawstring
casing to create a downturned
crescent shape

Step Six:

• Use the drawstring casing on the heel
as a guide to mark a line on the inside
of the shoe near the waist seam
• Your ribbon should be positioned and
sewn with the back edge against this

Step Seven:

• Ballet shoes are comprised of two
layers of fabric. An attractive outer
layer (often satin or leather) and a
hardwearing cotton inner layer
• These layers can be separated with
your fingers as shown
• You will want to sew through the
cotton layer, avoiding piercing the
outer fabric
Step Eight:
• Starting on the inside of the shoe,
select and position the longer ribbon
• Sew the ribbon to the shoe using
overhand stitches along the top under
the drawstring
• Continue around all four sides so the
pattern resembles a box
• Avoid sewing through the drawstring
Step Nine:
• Paint the sewn edge of the ribbon with
clear nail varnish to secure the stitches
and prevent fraying
• Be generous, paint the whole box and
allow the varnish to soak into the fabric
of the ribbon
Step Ten:
• Trim the loose end of the ribbon to a
neat line
• Use a lighter to melt the top edge to
prevent fraying
• It wont take much heat, so be careful!
• Repeat the process attaching the
shorter ribbon to the outside of the
shoe on the pencil mark and finishing
the ribbon with varnish at the shoe and
heat at the loose end
• Do the same with the left shoe,
remembering that the longer ribbon is
always sewn on the inside
Congratulations! You have sewn ribbons on to your shoes!

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