Riau Province
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Riau Province |
Malay (riau, traditional clothes) - Riau Province
The Capital City of Riau is “Pekanbaru”
Riau Province, although comparatively small in both size and population over 4,5 million of peoples, is the heartland of the Malays and the cradle of Indonesia’s Malay, based national language and culture. In terms of geography, Riau Province comprises two district territories: the mainland, which occupies an area along the east coast of Central Sumatera and the Riau archipelago consisting of Riau and Lingga Island groups bordering the Karimata Strait. Riau is the biggest province in Sumatera. The Riau archipelago alone has a total area of 1.176.530 square kilometers, consisting of sea and 3,214 islands, many of which are unnamed, (4,93 % width of Indonesia). The provincial capital is Pekanbaru.
The territory of this rich province includes a sizable slice of the eastern Sumateran coast and more than 3,000 islands of all sizes. Riau, although comparatively small in both size and population (about 2.5 million), is the heartland of the Malays and the cradle of Indonesia's Malay-based national language and culture. The first book of Malay grammar, the Bustanul Katibin, was written and published here in 1857. Its links with Johor on the West Malaysian mainland have been long and strong. Sitting astride one of the world's oldest and busiest trade routes, the Strait of Malacca, the Riau islands have for many centuries provided a safe haven to ships plying the sea lanes between Europe, India and China. The rise of Malay power, however, began somewhere around the 13th century, when that of the Buddhist kingdom of Sriwijaya began to crumble. Malay kingdoms emerged on both sides of the Malacca Strait.
In 1402, Parameswara founded Malacca, a kingdom which was to play a pivotal role in the history of the area in the century that was to come. Being the first to come into contact with European and other seafarers, the language of the area, Malay was
adopted by the newcomers to make themselves understood in the region. So, apparently, the spread of the language began in 1511, however, Malacca fell to the Portuguese who had come in their quest for gold, gospel and glory . Malacca's Sultan Mahmud Syah fled south, settling first in Johore, then in Bintan in the Riau archipelago.
Since then, it was a period of wars and intrigues for the Malay states around the Straits, further aggravated by the arrival of the Dutch and the British in the early 17th century. To make a long and complicated story short, peace was restored only after the signing of the Treaty of London in 1824, giving the Dutch control of all the European territories south of Singapore, and the British of all the colonies towards its north.
The link between Johor and Riau was severed. With the subjugation and dissolution of the recalcitrant Riau sultanate in 1911, the Dutch effectively established their power over the islands. Riau's cultural clout, however, endured.The smallest islands of the Riau archipelago are no more than rocky reefs, about one hectare (2.5 acres). The larger Bintan, Lingga and Singkep islands are about 1,000 hectares in size.
Dating back
The first book of Malay Grammar, the Bustanul Katibin, was written and made public here in 1857. Its links with Johor on the West Malaysian mainland have been long and strong.The territory covered by this rich province, includes a sizable slice of the eastern Sumatera’s coast and more than 3,000 islands of all sizes, only 743 of which are named. Sitting astride one of the world’s oldest and busiest trade routes, the Strait of Malacca, the Riau Islands have for many centuries provided safe haven to ships playing the sea lanes between India, Europe and China. The rise of Malay power, began somewhere around the 13th century, as that of Buddhist Sriwidjaya began to crumble. Malay kingdoms emerged on both sides of the Malacca Strait.
In 1402, Parameswara founded Malacca, a kingdom, which played a pivotal role in the history of the area in the century, which was to come. Being the first to come into contact with European and other seafarers, the language of the area, Malay, naturally was adopted by the newcomers to make themselves understood in the region.The Province of Riau is divided into 6 districts, namely Pekanbaru, Kampar, Bengkalis, Riau Island, Indragiri Hilir and Ingragiri Hulu. Each district is divided into sub-districts, 966 villages and 148 chieftains. To support the development of Batam, in 1983, the government of Indonesia established the Administrative City of Batam directly under the jurisdiction of the governor.
And the smallest islands of the Riau archipelago are no more than rocky reefs about one hectare (2,5 acres) large. The biggest, Bintan Lingga and Singkep, are about 1,000 hectares in size. The sea gone, and the profile emerge of a rocky, hilly land that was once an extension of the West Malaysian highlands.
Now serving as the capital city of Riau Province, Pekanbaru’s historical trace started from a small village called “Payung Sekaki” on the Siak river-bank. This village was established by the Senapelan tribe, therefore the village of Payung Sekali was known rather by the name of Senapelan. In those days the reigning system was called Kebatinan, the reign was in the hand of a figure referred to as Batin.
Uder the reign of the IVth Sultan of Siak, namely Sultan Abdul Jalil Alamuddin Syah, Senapelan was made the central seat of Siak Kingdom. Under this Sultan’s reign, commercial activities flourished. Hence, the concept emerged to establish a “Pekan”, a kind of market the activities of which were performed on certain days during the week.
After the death of Sultan Abdul Jalil Alamuddin Syah, the idea of establishing the “Pekan” was further pursued by his son, Sultan Muhammad Ali Abdul Jalil Muazzam Syah (1784). Since then, precisely as from June 23, 1784, the name of Senapelan started to be no longer in use and was popularly referred to as Pekanbaru (New Trading Place) instead.
Spending our Tour Adventure in Pekanbaru, we could enjoy specific atmosphere along the banks of Siak River which divides the city into two halves. The river, flowing down to the waterways of Malacca Straits, connects Pekanbaru with other towns along it’s course. Further more, we could extend our Tour Adventure up to the origin of the city of Pekanbaru which is situated on the Siak River bank as well.
Pekanbaru is just 446.50 Square kilometers upstream on the Siak Siver. Besides being the seat of the provincial government, it is also a center for education, industry, trade and Tour Adventure . As Riau’s Provincial capital and main gateway, has a number of buildings built in the traditional style of the area, among them the Balai Dang Merdu, the Balai Adat Riau or Riau Cultural Hall and Taman Budaya Riau of Riau Cultural Park. For the Moslems, there the Grand Royal Mosque of Pekanbaru, built in the 18th century, still stands strong. It is located in the center of the city.
Specifically of the ethnocentricities are
The original majority of the people are of Malays. The Malays are again divided into several sub-groups, such as the Lingga, Indragiri, Kampar, Siak, Pelawan, Tambusai and Kritang, all formerly centers of the old Malay Kingdom. And the Banjarese of coastal Kalimantan, the Bugis, Batak, Javanese, Minangkabau, Chinese, Anak Dalam, Sakai, Hutan, Talang Mamak, Bonei, Laut.
Traditional Costumes
The Traditional house
The traditional House of Riau House; the community's tradition was given by the name "A Laso Jatuh Kembar". This house model used from wood was accompanied an engraving that was very interesting. Including the roof, the attic, the ladder, and his foundation all in gave ukiran. This traditional house was the residence Datuk, pemang I the tradition and all the rest. Space of the traditional house consisted of the big and wide room, to be utilised the bed, the cross-legged room, bridge and the kitchen. The traditional house this Riau tradition was equipped the traditional hall for the meeting and the traditional conference.
The Promontories Are
The Datuk Promontory, Pengadah Promontory, Berlangkap Promontory, Bilung Promontory, Perkasa Promontory, Perkat Promontory, Rangga Promontory, Lampa Promontory, Selimut Promontory, Sebitang Promontory, Kukup Promontory, Karang Promontory, Semut Promontory, Butun Promontory, Senamai Promontory, Papak Promontory, Payung Promontory, Belitung Promontory, Terang Promontory, Sebayur Promontory, Takih Promontory, Tijo Promontory, and Pianpadang Promontory, these are in Riau Archipelago Regency. Also The Bakaltua Promontory, in Bengkalis Regency. Basu Promontory, in Indragiri Hilir Regency. Buku Promontory, in Indragiri Hilir Regency. Kembang Promontory, in Bengkalis Regency. And The Parit Regency, in Bengkalis Regency.
The Traditional Dances Are
Mak Yong Dance, Mendu Dance, Zapin Dance, Joget Dance, Debuts Dance, Rentak Dance, Belian Dance, Tandak Riau Dance, Joget Lambak Dance, etc.
The Traditional Folk Songs are :Langgam Melayu, Soleram, etc.
The Districk Identities Are:
Niibung (Oncosperma Tigilarium), Flora. Srindit (Loriculus Pusillus), Fauna.
The Traditional Instruments
Rebana, rebana is the musical instrument that often was gotten all over the Indonesian area. Rebana was made from animal skin that was tightened to wood that have the shape of round.
The Tour Adventure Resorts are
The Kingdom Palace Complex, Muara Takus Temple, Nongsa Coast in Batam Island, Tanjung Pinang, Penyengat Island, The Coast of Pasir Panjang, Trikora Coast, Semenanjung Senggarang, The Sutan Machmud Syah Grave, The Wildlife reserve of Kerumutan, The Sea Park, The Mount Sahilang Palace former, and Tanjung Pesona Coast, etc.
The Mountainous are
Mount Bakar (496 meters), in Indragiri Hulu Regency. Mount Daik (1.165 meters), in Siantan Island Regency. Mount Jadi (1.891 meters), in Kampas Regency. Mount Lanjut (475 meters), in Singkep Island. Mount Buntan Besar (380 meters), in Bintan Island. Mount Langkoas (217 meters), in Bintan Island.
The Rivers are
The Bangko River, Gaung River, Indragiri River, Batang Kampar Kanan River, Batang Kampar Kiri River. Ketaman River, Batang Reteh River, Batang Rokan River, Batang Rokan Kanan River, Batang Rokan Kiri River, Siak River, and Siak Kecil River.
The Straits Are: Dumai Strait, Panjang Strait, and also Batam Strait.
The Flora Are: Meranti, Punak, Kapur, Rotan, Kemenyan, etc.
Fauna Are :Elephant, Orang Hutan, Tapir, Tiger, Deer, Pig, Kancil, etc.
The Wildlife Reserves
Kerumutan (120.000 Hectares), populations of; Elephants and Tapir Asian Species. Berkah Island (500 Hectares), populations of sea birds. Pulau Burung / Bird Island (400 Hectares), populations of ; Birds, etc. Pulau Laut / The Sea Island (400 Hectares), populations of ; sea birds, etc.
The legacy of the History
The Museums
The Palace Museum Pre the El Hasyimah History in Bengkalis. Collected legacy objects of the kings who had the power in the past, like the China Ceramics, ethnography, and the fine arts, et cetera. The museum of Kandil Riau, was located in Tanjung Pinang, collected objects including the legacy Pre Sejarah, Keramik China, Sejarah of the Nasional Legacy, Seni Rupa et cetera.
The Museum & Taman Budaya Riau
The Museum and Taman Budaya Riau, known as Museum Sang Nila Utama, the museum, which takes Riau-Malay traditional architectural style, is located on Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, within a close distance from the airport. Sundays and holidays, the Museum exhibits various collections of artistic, historical as well as cultural items of the local people. Bordering with the Museum is a building with similar architectural style known as Taman Budaya Riau, a place designated as the center of cultural activities.
The Limbungan Lake
Originally designated for irrigation purpose, the dammed water which is surround by hilly areas with panoramic view, turned put to have more Tour Adventure objects attraction. Seeing the potential, this place is later developed into a recreational spot equipped with various facilities for recreational purposes, such as water bikes, restaurants, cottages, etc. This recreational spot is at 10 Kilometers distance from downtown Pekanbaru and could be reached by public transport. Not far from this spot, there is also a motor cross arena.
Alam Mayang Fishing Ponds
Alam Mayang is the name of relaxation and recreational spot situated on Jalan Harapan Raya, at 8 Kilometers from downtown Pekanbaru. Today it’s frequented especially by those having the hobby of fishing since here there are fishing ponds covering a total area of 18.650 Square meters with various kinds of fish inside. Much more fun is certainly to go fishing together with the family.
The MTQ Arena
The MTQ Arena is located on the main road just off the Airport. This is a building complex in grand Riau Malay architectures formerly built as the venue for National MTQ (Al Qur’an Reading Contest). Also here we could seen the traditional houses of every sub-ethnic of Riau Malay, each with it’s distinctive shape and feature.
The Grand Royal Mosque of Pekanbaru
The Grand Royal Mosque of Pekanbaru is the unique and the old, built in the 18th century during the reigns of Sultan Abdul Jalil Alamuddin Syah and Sultan Muhammad Ali Abdul Jalil Alamuddin Syah of the former Siak Sultanate. This Grand Royal Mosque is the oldest mosque in Pekanbaru. Within the compound of the Mosque lie the tombs of the two Sultans who were the founders of the city. Besides, there is also a well considered holy to which Tour Adventures, especially those culturally related to the Sultanate, often pay a visit to ask for blessing and good fortune.
The Muara Takus Temple

Standing serenely amid the Sumatera’s tropical forests, this Buddhist temple complex remains a mysterious entity as historians are not yet in agreement on the question of when the those temple structures were built. Opinions range from the 11th, 9th, 7th and even 4th century. But what is certain is that the temples of Muara Takus is a historic relic of the faraway past, and also a tangible proof that a very long time ago, this area was inhabited by people whose religion was Buddhism.
Muara Takus Temple inRiau Province is a temple representing Stupa, representing altar follower of religion of Mahayana Budha. This Stupa is woke up at a period of/to feather in one's cap of Sriwijaya 9 century and 10 Masehi. The temple position lay in distance 135 kilometers from Pekanbaru.
The Fine Arts & Handicraft
Besides reflected from the architecture of its buildings (The Houses of the people etc.), these are also evident from the various ornaments and decorations. This show in it’s plait work, embroideries, “Tekat” (a specific kind of embroidery) such as in their customary and traditional dresses. The arts of dancing, music and singing constitute an important component of it’s art, which is evident from it’s various customary and traditional ceremonies, such as the ceremonies of “Betobo”, Jalur Races, Wedding Ceremonies etc.And also the interesting of the Theatrical Art is, such as that Rantau Kuantan proves to be rich in subjects and contents as a reflection from the lives of it’s people. The mutual aid spirit of its community is still very high and this is reflected from the Betobo ceremony which is supported by all it’s social sastra. The customs and traditions of the Rantau Kuantan communities are specific customs and traditions too, rich in variations. Owing to this specific nature, people refer to them as the Kuantan customs and traditions.
Travelling to Taluk Kuantan does not only mean the chance to watch Jalur Races, but also the opportunity to see interesting spots such as the tree root handicraft in Teratak Buluh. The Equator Monument at Lipat Kain. A locomotive left behind by the Japanese as remnant of the Second World War period. The panorama of Muara Lembu in the district of Singingi. The former gold mine of Logas inn the district of Singingi. The Bukit Betabuh at Lubuk Jambi (Nature Adventure). The Batu Ojung in Central Kuantan. The Bukit Pedusunan dam in the district of Kuantan Mudik. The Old Mosque in the town of Pengean, the district of Kuantan Hilir. And the Ujung Tayas graves in Koto Tinggi, the district of Kuantan Hilir.
The Logas
Logas is situated midway between Pekanbaru to Taluk Kuantan. The name Logas is well known not only because a gold mine is found there, but also because of the romusha (Compulsory Labour) stories during the Japanese colonial period. It was there indeed that thousands of people died in agony when the Japanese forced them to construct the railroad connecting West Sumatera with Pekanbaru, Riau. The stories of suffering were not only experienced by sons of Indonesia, but also by thousands of other prisoners of war. Today The Logas is a quiet village of beautiful panorama, it’s water flows clear through the gaps between the rocks scattered over that shallow river. The Logas gold mine was established during the Dutch colonial period, up to now it is still exploited, mainly by the local community.
The Beaches
The Beaches. Insular Riau with it’s thousands of islands has plenty of scenic beaches and diving sports. Among them Trikora on Bintan and Pasir Panjang on Rupat Island. The first is about 50 kilometer south of Tanjung Pinang on the eastern side of the island. Pasir Panjang, on the northern side of Rupat facing the Strait of Malacca, is a stretched out natural beach with waves that make it attractive for surfing.Pretty beaches are also found on the islands Terkulai and Soreh. We could reach an hour’s distance by boat from Tanjung Pinang. One of the most popular beaches is Nongsa on Batam Island. A hotel of international standard has recently been completed on Nongsa Beach. Batam could be reached in two and half hours from Tanjung Pinang by ferry, and in about half an hour from Singapore.
The Unique & Specific Feature
Riau territorial area consists of a mainland and a score of islands stretching from the southern part of the South China Sea into the Malacca Strait, from the Laut Island at the northern edge of the Natura group of islands to the west until the Jemur Island. Its territorial waters are very vast. Two thirds of the whole territory is strewn with thousands of islands, large and small, many of which still untouched by humans. Seen from its geographical position, Riau is like a portrait of Indonesia in miniature. Its population is an attractive mixture of Malays, Javanese, Chinese, and others.
Furthermore, 32.052 people or 7.140 families are from the original tribes, now called “Suku Terasing” or “Isolated Tribes”. They consist of several groups, such as the Hutan, Akit, Bonai, Sakai, Talang Mamak, Kuala, Kubu and other. The Hutan, Akit and Kuala Tribes live in the area around South China Sea, therefore they are sometimes called the “Orang Laut” or “Sea Tribe”, while the others live in dense jungles on the mainland and are called “Petalangan” people.
The other objets of interests are:
Transportation. The Simpang Tiga Airport serves Aircraft flights from Pekanbaru to Jakarta, Singapore, Medan, Padang and Palembang, Batam and other. In addition, buses run regular daily services to and from Jakarta, Padang and Medan. Motor boats and ferries are the favored means of tourist transportation in insular Riau.
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