museum tekstil jakarta - Jakarta Textile Museum is a cultural educational institution, has a mission to conserve traditional textile.
Textile has always been an important part of life in Indonesia as a component of dress and as a ritual and ceremonial objects. They constitute a very rich aspect of Indonesian culture and a testament of the degree of technological expertise and artistic skill attained by their maker. They also provide a window into local histories.
In it's effort to increase public appreciation of Indonesia's textile tradition and participation in the preservation of national heritage. Jakarta Textile Museum always make an effort inform and educate people trough exhibition, seminar, workshop, research and publication.
Vision :
Textile museum as a non-profit institution that became the center of conservation of nature and culture, scientific activity media, art and culture, education, information and educational cultural recreation that became one of the references to the process of the development of the nation.Mission :
Carried out conservation effort in matters related to the textiles culture in Indonesia, carried out an inventory of natural resources and traditional textile collection from various region in Indonesia, carried out documentation, research activity and presentation of information and communicate it to society.
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, harapan kami semoga anda dapat terbantu dan menjadi sebuah rujukan anda. Atau juga anda bisa melihat referensi lain kami juga yang lain dimana tidak kalah bagusnya tentang Kerajinan Tangan Dari Kain Perca, Aneka Kreasi Kain Perca
. Sekian dan kami ucapkan terima kasih atas kunjungannya.
buka mesin jahit : http://museumtekstiljakarta.com/
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