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An expert teaching team

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An expert
teaching team

An expert

teaching team

The school has found ways to build a school-wide, professional team of highly
able teachers, including teachers who take an active leadership role beyond
the classroom. Strong procedures are in place to encourage a school-wide,
shared responsibility for student learning and success, and to encourage the
development of a culture of continuous professional improvement that includes
classroom-based learning, mentoring and coaching arrangements.
The assessment of this domain includes
consideration of the extent to which:
§§ the school places a priority on attracting,
retaining and developing the best possible
§§ the leadership team has strategies in place
to assist teachers to continue to develop
and share deep understandings of how
students learn subjects/content, including
pre-requisite skills and knowledge,
common student misunderstandings and
errors, learning difficulties and effective
§§ teachers in the school are experts in the
fields in which they teach, have high levels
of confidence in teaching in those fields
and are eager to expand their subject
knowledge to learn how to improve on
their current teaching practices;
§§ the school expects all teachers to be
highly committed to the continuous
improvement of their own teaching and
to be focused on the development of
knowledge and skills required to improve
student learning;
§§ the principal and other school leaders lead
and model professional learning in the
§§ the principal and other school leaders
build networked school relationships
that support leadership development,
including principal-principal mentoring
§§ school leaders ensure that opportunities
are created for teachers to work together
and to learn from each other’s practices,
including through online professional
§§ the school works to ensure the continuity
of a culture of collaboration and
teamwork over time across cohorts of
§§ the school uses agreed formal processes to
manage unsatisfactory performance; and
§§ the school has in place a professional
learning plan and associated budget to
support local and, where appropriate,
system priorities.


The principal and other school leaders have given a very high priority to understanding and addressing the learning
needs of all students in the school. This is reflected in the implementation of systematic strategies for identifying student
needs and the development of creative school-wide solutions for addressing those needs.
A school-wide process has been established for identifying specific student learning needs. This process includes
systematic testing to establish learning gaps and special needs. School records of individual student needs, achievements
and progress are maintained centrally and shared across year levels.
A range of initiatives (eg, across-class and across-grade groupings for literacy and numeracy; the sharing of specialist
teachers with neighbouring schools, if they exist) is being implemented to make more effective use of available resources
to enhance teaching and learning. The school deploys staff in ways that make best use of their expertise (eg, specialist
reading/science teachers).
The principal and other school leaders have introduced programs and strategies to identify and address the needs of
students in the school and are sourcing and applying available resources to meet those needs.
The school has developed processes (eg, systematic testing and assessment) for identifying student learning needs,
although there may not always be good school records of student achievement and progress.
Programs to meet individual learning needs (eg, programs for gifted students, students with learning difficulties,
students for whom English is a second language, Indigenous students, refugees) are prioritised, where possible, in the
school budget.
Physical spaces and technology are used effectively to maximise student learning. Learning spaces are organised for
whole group work, small group work and individual work.
The school uses its human and physical resources to address the needs of students, although this may not be preceded by
a systematic analysis of those needs.
Specialist diagnostic testing is organised for a small number of students with special needs, but teachers do not routinely
administer tests to better understand specific learning difficulties (eg, problems in learning to read) or individual
learning needs (eg, LBOTE, gifted).
There are very few school-wide programs or policies designed to address the learning needs of particular student
groups (eg, gifted students, students with disabilities, students for whom English is a second language). School leaders
encourage teachers to address individual learning needs in classrooms, but there are very few agreed school-wide
strategies for doing this.
Physical learning spaces are used creatively and technology is accessible to the majority of staff and students.
The improvement of student outcomes does not appear to be the driving consideration in the
allocation of school resources (eg, the use of discretionary school funds).
There is very little, if any, systematic testing of students to identify individual learning needs.
The school does not always make best use of available staff expertise.
School leaders have developed very few, if any, school-wide policies or programs to address individual needs, which are
left to classroom teachers.
School learning spaces tend to be used traditionally, with limited flexibility to support different kinds of learners and

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