Still, you better make sure the advice you're getting is legit. Given the fact that every other dude and their mom has a blog these days, we took it upon ourselves to sift out a few that were worth mentioning. So stick around, you might learn something. In no particular order, here are The Best Men's Style Blogs Right Now.
Editor: Gary Warnett
Launched: 2009
Gary Warnett is a god damn living and breathing streetwear encyclopedia. It seems almost impossible some would literally have this much juice on what seems to be every facet of sneaker and streetwear culture, perpetuated by his love for hip-hop. When he shares old magazine clippings and scans, it can give even the biggest men's style enthusiast the chills from sheer giddiness and excitement to go back to a real special time.
Fashion Beans
Editor: Ben Herbert
Launched: 2007
Fashion Beans should be considered a heavyweight on sheer content alone, as they are constantly pumping out stories to guide every man to their own personal stylish mecca. And while they cover a wide spectrum of men's style genres, their overall approach is very keyed in on trying to help men realize what looks good and what doesn't with interesting how-tos and hacks that are simple, yet intuitive. Its not rocket science, really.
The New York Times Men's Style
Editor: Jim Windolf
Launched: 2015
Recognizing the burgeoning growth of menswear, the recently launched Men's Style section of The New York Times had clout from the jump, especially as they recruited the highly respected Matthew Schneier to be their main style correspondant. They've definitely started on the right foot, content-wise, mixing in top trend predictions, street style and expertly analyzed fashion week rundowns from some of the industry's finest.
Editor: Jeremy Langmead
Launched: 2011
Sometimes, all it takes is a sound backing to get the ball running while putting the right people in place for it to take off and truly succeed. Mr. Porter's conception was well-received and has since grown into one of the most powerful high-fashion menswear sites in the world, with a Style Journal featuring an incredibly in-depth “Meet the Makers” series, and continuing their pilgrimage to showcase every iconic style patriarch in an incredible light.
Upscale Hype
Editor: Allen Onyia, Kyle Onyia
Launched: 2008
As some fashion-centric sites have come and gone over the years, Upscale Hype has premised itself on one, everlasting thing; people love celebrity style. Allen and Kyle Onyia built off of that and created an empire, always staying on top of the hip-hop culture and the fetishization of paparazzi-style celebrity street style shots while being able to break down who is wearing what in a flash. The site is continually creating new features, including the ever-popular “Ask Allen” segment to get the co-creator's expertise on all things celebrity fashion.
Business of Fashion
Editor: Imran Ahmed
Launched: 2007
As people grow from wanting to know when the next collection will drop in their favorite store to how their favorite brand's funding effects its equity, they'll find themselves living on Imran Ahmed's brilliant Business of Fashion. It isn't always glamorous to see that site of the men's fashion industry, but its necessary resource for those who want to be in-the-know on the day-to-day analytics of the industry while getting skillfully produced content featuring some of today's and tomorrow's brightest men's style stars.
Articles of Style
Editor: Dan Trepanier
Launched: 2009
Personal style blogs have severely fell off with the uprise of sites like Tumblr and selfie strdom-starter, Instagram. But Dan Trepanier figured out the formula for, not only creating successful blog, Articles of Style premised on his personal style, but keeping it fresh and relevant. With a team of savvy, street-smart and stylish gentleman creating original content focusing on how-to guides, compelling editorials and, of course, Dan's personal style tips, there's no wonder it continually gets placed atop any men's style blog list while others in its category cease to exist.
Editor: David Fischer
Launched: 2005
Not many men's centric blogs have the global reach that Highsnobiety has created over the years. With a recent focus on original content, ranging from Iconic Streetwear Logos made out of Legos to a deep-dive into the best Scandinavian retailers, HS never tries too hard to impress because they never have to. They are one of the founding men's style news sites and the fact that they've been doing it consistently for 10 years shows their consistency and ability to continuously grow.
Editor: Rocky Li
Launched: 2011
A product of he Superfuture revolution, Rocky Li doesn't have your regular ol' blogger mindset. He wants to make cool shit that nobody has done before. That's why his site, Third Looks, concentrates on introducing style profiles of people in the industry you don't see profiled every day or brands and collections that aren't getting the same shine as the big boys, but rightfully should.
Well Spent
Editor: Brad Bennett
Launched: 2011
Niche blogs are a dime a dozen, even though many have come and gone because the content well has run dry. Brad Bennett's conscientious, ethically and sustainability-focused menswear blog breathes life into a world filled with fast-fashion made by people in awful working conditions. Making sure people know what they're getting, even if it's giving a sliding scale of likewise goods or giving them some hoep-filled options on his “Instead of Rent” series. And throughout all of this, tere's no brand-bashing or shaming, only a focus on good ol' honestly crafted goods that don't break the bank.
Men In This Town
Editor: Guiseppe Santamaria
Launched: 2010
Street style photography is booming. Especially in the growing menswear world as shows and events become even more popular and sought after. But Guiseppe Santamaria leaves those shows to other photographers as he wants to capture the everyday man, walking about town. Not necessarily “his” town of Sydney, as he travels all over the world snapping the best style on the streets, capturing men in their natural habitat and drawing attention to that one thing that made his subject really stand out.
Editor: Cory Ohlendorf
Launched: 2008
Men's style isn't just about the clothes you wear and if you don't know that by now, you're severely slacking. Luckily, sites like Valet help men realize their stylish potential from the clothes on their back to the lifestyle they lead while wearing them. And they're one of the more generous men's style blogs as they continuously give shine to their cohorts with “The Morning Report.”
Speaking of Style
Editor: Matthew Wong
Launched: 2011
Its hard to articulate your thoughts on a consistent basis and keep a steady readership. Matthew Wong and Toronto-based men's style blog, Speaking of Style, does a great job of keeping content fresh with relevant discussion-starters around current men's style without over-saturating it with “check out XX collection.” Quality is his aim, which you get if you want something more than a simple item description from time to time.
Four Pins
Editor: Lawrence Schlossman
Launched: 2013
In just two years, Four Pins has grown to become one of the most sought out men's style blogs this side of the Mississippi. Keep the content light (read: silly) so that people get a good amount of sass, intellect and interesting writing, they've proven they are very influential in this space, constantly shining light on the “next big thing” style mavens hope to call their own.
Editor: Kevin Ma
Launched: 2005
The original Hypebeast forums sprouted some names you might say are leaders in the culture, from Josh Kissi to Tyler the Creator. Kevin Ma and friends turned it into a multi-faceted website, bringing the culture to style enthusiasts worldwide, making him one of the most influential people in streetwear right now. There's a reason it's one of Kanye West's favorite sites to browse.
Inventory Magazine.
Editor: Ryan Willms
Launched: 2009
Since 2009, Ryan Willms and crew have kept Inventory Magazine on the straight and narrow. They've never strayed from their initial vision of supplying men's style enthusiasts with professionally curated content on superior, minimalistic menswear product with craftsmanship at the helm and continue to bring the incredible content six years later.
Dengan adanya informasi yang kami sajikan tentang men style blog
, harapan kami semoga anda dapat terbantu dan menjadi sebuah rujukan anda. Atau juga anda bisa melihat referensi lain kami juga yang lain dimana tidak kalah bagusnya tentang The Latest In Men’s Fashion Guides
. Sekian dan kami ucapkan terima kasih atas kunjungannya.
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The Best Men's Style Blogs Right Now |
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